Monday, September 14, 2009

The Root of All Diseases

Research has shown that there is a strong link between periodontal disease and cardiovascular disease, as well as other chronic degenerative illnesses. It has been found that those affected with dental disease are more likely to suffer from heart ailments than those who do not.

One theory explains that inflammation caused by dental infection contributes to coronary artery disease. This is because oral bacteria can enter the bloodstream, attach to plaques in the blood vessels and form clots. When this happens, normal blood flow is obstructed and could lead to a heart attack.

Dentist Robert Kulacz and cardiologist Thomas Levy have discovered the huge impact dental diseases have on one’s health. They have found that oral disease cure and prevention can have a significant effect in improving chronic degenerative diseases, much less, keeping them at bay.

This led them to publish a book, The Roots of Disease: Connecting Dentistry and Medicine. This self-published book demonstrates that infective dental toxicity can be the root of all chronic illnesses. By identifying and correcting oral diseases, people may be able to prevent or eliminate chronic degenerative ailments.

Loaded with scientific data from both dental and medical perspectives, The Roots of Disease will enlighten and educate readers that although dentistry and medicine rarely go together, both should not be separated from each other.

The Roots of Disease stresses the assertion that oral health truly has teeth to one’s overall health.

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