Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Living life at 40

One experiences a great deal of change when hitting 40. It is a particular time when one enters a new stage and faces challenges s/he has never encountered before.

G. Richard Ambrosius, a decorated Vietnam War veteran, first became interested in the changing face of aging. This led him to publish a book on aging and living life well.

The self-published book, Choices and Changes shows how adults aged 40 and above could develop a detailed road map for getting the most from life’s second half.

This is not a guide to help you plan for disengagement and leisure activities… nor does it focus on the years ahead as a time of decline when your biggest concern might be how to pay for long term health care.” Ambrosius explained.

On the contrary, it addresses how prevention and positive planning can actually negate the need for many such healthcare expenses.”

The book author challenges his readers to become involved in communities, to begin second (third, fourth) careers, to continue to learn and grow, and to develop a positive self-image.

Choices and Changes contains questions and activities on each section that will help you evaluate where you are and where you plan to go as you traverse life’s second half.

Ambrosius aggressively countered aging stereotypes through his research, products, articles, lectures and workshops in the past 25 years. He is widely known as a humorous and inspiring motivational speaker on the subject of changing population trends and their impact on sales, marketing, customer service and management practices.

G. Richard Ambrosius served as Executive Director of an Area Agency on Aging in Northwest Iowa in 1976. He is the founder and president of Positive Aging and has testified before Congress on several occasions covering the topic. He is happily married is a proud father to three children.

Choices and Changes is published with Xlibris and is a top royalty earner.

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