Friday, July 17, 2009

Being a "Man" in a man's world

For many women, working in a male-dominated industry can be very daunting. Some women, in a bid to fit in and move up, make the mistake of hiding their real selves, trying to be like men. But for self-published author Renee Weisman, women can survive and succeed in a man’s world without having to change who they are as women. She shares this in her book, Winning In a Man’s World.

This book is an account of her experience working in a male-dominated industry, of which she has spent nearly 40 years in the engineering profession. Renee did it her way – demonstrating leadership traits without necessarily losing her feminine qualities. She relates that the encouragement she had been receiving from many of her fellow engineers, male and female alike, has given her the drive to inspire other people, thus the birth of the book Winning In a Man’s World.

A distinguished engineer, Renee was one of the first women engineers in a top-level position, having been Director of Engineering at IBM prior to retiring in 2007. Renee also owns Winning at Work, a leadership consulting firm. She specializes in conducting live and virtual seminars to help boost employee morale and build better, more harmonious working relationships between men and women. Renee capitalized on gender differences as a catalyst to achieve individual and organizational profitability. She is also a proud mother of two beautiful daughters whom she successfully raised despite her hectic work demands and the absence of a nanny.

Renee writes this book the ‘scientific way, so much so that these are presented in a factual approach. Personnel and relationship issues are devoid of emotional arguments, which are perceived a barrier to achieving real and positive results. The book also contains special sections and exercises that allow readers to apply what they have learned.

Winning In a Man’s World has so far been gaining very good response from the reading public. In fact, her book has opened many more opportunities for her in regards to consulting and she also became a featured writer for Others have also used the book to gain encouragement as well.

Renee only has good words to say about her publishing experience with Xlibris. She is very satisfied with the efficiency of the people behind the publishing process, especially the copy editors for their brilliant suggestions in enhancing the clarity of her book. She is also confident of its marketing services that she has just signed up for the bookstore returnability program, an option that can boost your book’s marketability.

Renee first learned of Xlibris through a friend, who had also availed of its publishing services and was pleased with their services. She believes that company integrity and the depth of services are the topmost things to consider when selecting a self-publishing company.

After working with Xlibris on her book, she knew she had made the right choice. Aside from currently promoting her book, she is also actively writing for Womenco and conducting speaking engagements on various topics. Renee believes that by deciding in advance your target market and choosing the right means to get your book “out there”, then any aspiring author can be successful with self-publishing.

Being a woman in a man’s world should not be intimidating – it should be fulfilling and rewarding an experience instead. Renee believes that women can create a more comfortable environment and increase their chances for success. She also feels strongly about going after the things that truly matter when fazed with fear or doubt. These she hopes to show through her book, Winning In a Man’s World.

Winning in a Man’s World can be purchased directly through the Xlibris website or Barnes & Noble and Amazon.


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